Press release from civil society organizations


April 18, 2020

As our country faces challenging times, both due to the threat posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and to the undemocratic measures undertaken by the Bukele Administration, the undersigning Organizations STATE:

1) We acknowledge that the Office of the Attorney General (FGR) has launched probes into deaths allegedly caused by negligence within government-run pandemic containment centers, and into the injuries police allegedly inflicted on an individual in San Julián.

2) However, we are deeply concerned with the FGR’s lack of action in the face of a series of measures enacted by the Executive Branch that harm the foundations of the Republic. These actions display disregard for the separation of powers between the branches of government, undermine fundamental rights, and impose arbitrariness on the rule of law. Article 244 of our Constitution stipulates that any breach of constitutional mandates is to be penalized by law.

3) Lack of action and silence from the FGR are unacceptable given the gravity of the circumstances. The FGR’s public exhortation for authorities to comply with the Constitution is not enough. The Executive Branch has already issued statements of intent to disregard court orders, and is in active breach of the Constitution.

4) Present circumstances demand you to act on your constitutional powers in defense of the Republic, and criminally prosecute offenders. The FGR must defend the State´s interests, criminally prosecuting those who infringe the Constitution.

5) Specifically, we ask you to launch a probe into the unlawful deprivation of freedom of citizens masked as a sanitary measure; the publicly denounced violations of human rights in government-run containment centers; the unjustifiable threats made by government officials to citizens; and the breach of Constitutional Chamber mandates by government agents. We ask you to launch these probes as soon as possible and in accordance with the criminal prosecution policy.

6) In performing its constitutional and legal role, the FGR has the support of the organizations herein represented, along with the support of citizens who expect and demand compliance with the Rule of Law.

San Salvador, April 18, 2020.